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Yesterday morning, once again, everything turned upside down. The emotions were shocking. I wondered how the children felt. How their world has been turned upside down.
I can't publish the happy images that I had planned, but we hope there will be a new day tomorrow.
Air alarms sound all over Ukraine on Monday. The children in our village Pisky, like everywhere in Ukraine were sent home from school and kindergartens. The war
When the bombs are falling
something goes into pieces
the ruins
they are there
the memories
Few words about this image. I had a beautiful portrait of Cristine, which I broke into pieces: Auch, it hurt. After all, I received the writing from a 13-year-old child and how is her world, like many other Ukrainian children.
Christine is 13 years, and she stays in Sweden with us, with her mom and three brothers.
This day reminded me of the morning of February 24th.
I was sitting at school, we had recess. Nika wrote to me from Ukraine and sent a video of an explosion and then another explosion in Kyiv. They were quite audible.
I was shocked and started to cry. My friends and acquaintances live in Kyiv. I couldn’t stay at school, so my teacher let me go home.
We are the ones who want peace. We are peaceful people. I don’t want my country to be destroyed. I want everyone to live
Kristina, 13
My husband Boas and I are helping children in Ukraine.
It all started when my husband and I saw wild dogs taking care of the street children.
A question came: "Do these dogs care more for the children than people do?"
We moved to Ukraine and opened a "Friend's House" - a house with open doors for children, helping children in need, underage mothers ...
Photo is a powerful instrument to tell the story.
It's a critical time in Ukraine right now. The war is continuing now from the year 2014. 24th of February 2022 changed everything and a full-scale war started.
We continue the work in Ukraine, even though we cannot be there right now. We rescued 40 children & mothers to Sweden.
With love to God and the children!
@adolphi Twitter