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Posted by
Mirjam (Eskilstuna, Sweden) on 28 November 2016 in Miscellaneous and Portfolio.

My husband Boas and I are helping children in Ukraine.

It all started when my husband and I saw wild dogs taking care of the street children.

A question came: "Do these dogs care more for the children than people do?"
We moved to Ukraine and opened a "Friend's House" - a house with open doors for children, helping children in need, underage mothers ...

Photo is a powerful instrument to tell the story.
It's a critical time in Ukraine right now. The war is continuing now from the year 2014. 24th of February 2022 changed everything and a full-scale war started.

We continue the work in Ukraine, even though we cannot be there right now. We rescued 40 children & mothers to Sweden.

With love to God and the children!

My spotlight photos

Children's Embassy

@adolphi Twitter


This image has been featured in 2 Remix collections.

Scène de vie 2016 by Libouton Martine

Mirades captivadoras by Adela Fonts